Out weight loss transformation challenge is over and we want to congratulate all of our 17 participants, who worked so hard for the past 8 weeks! And what a journey has it been! It was truly motivating to see our ladies workout hard at our bootcamp for women and staying on top of their diet plans. Each of them was so focused on their goals that they almost forgot that we were at the end of it!

Weight loss is not an easy thing to accomplish. In fact when you lose weight, you have to put yourself in an uncomfortable position of eating clean and healthy food, while moving as much as you can. Our primal instincts automatically register this situation as emergency and our body and mind resist it.

But sore muscles, food cravings, countless burpees and sweaty workouts did not stop our ladies in accomplishing incredible results. Perhaps, the main takeaway from this challenge is not the reduced inches (which were within double digits for most of the challengers), lost weight, boost in stamina, strength and energy, but the fact that they have proven it to themselves (and to everyone who knows them) that they CAN DO IT!

After all, overcoming such challenges starts with your mindset and positive attitude. To quote Henry Ford on this, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”. So today, I would like for you to take a look at the pictures below and tell yourself that you can do it too, and you can do it in 8 weeks like the rest of our fabulous ladies. I would like you to tell yourself that you can accomplish anything you put your mind towards and that you will make your dreams come true, just like bootcamp warriors.

If you need help at accomplishing weight loss, join us at our bootcamp for women, right in the heart of Toronto!
bootcamp for women
bootcamp for women
bootcamp for women

Check out more transformations here!

About the Author: Ana Plenter


Ana Plenter is a an Award Winning Personal Trainer, Fitness Competitor & Competition Coach and the Founder of Build My Body Beautiful & Body Beautiful Fitness

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