

With the back to work and school season upon us, it’s time to get back on track with eating. A healthy grocery list lays the groundwork for healthy eating habits. How many times have you come home from work at the end of the days with intentions on eating healthy to find no ingredients in sight, resolving to ordering take-out? You eat what you buy, so it’s time to stock up and make it good! Follow the 5 simple tips below to stay on top of your healthy eating habits:

healthy grocery list

Healthy Grocery List Tip 1: Start in the right department

Many of you have probably heard the age old advice to shop the perimeter of the grocery store. Well I’m going to reinforce this. The produce department should be the first stop on your shopping excursion. And just like you should fill up the majority of your dinner plate with veggies, fresh produce should take priority in your cart. Load up on cauliflower (for ricing), zucchini (for noodles), and spaghetti squash (spaghetti swap), and you’ll realize you don’t need that calorie-dense rice and pasta.

Healthy Grocery List Tip 2: Give the frozen and canned foods a chance

Fresh food is fantastic, but frozen and canned versions are often just as nutritious and more affordable. When it comes to fish and meat counters, most of that stuff was frozen then thawed at some point. So unless you’re going to cook it right away, you might be better off grabbing it from the freezer. And frozen fruit and vegetables are typically flash frozen at their peak, so they may be even more nutrient dense than their produce department counterparts. As for canned foods, beans are a quick-cooking must, tomatoes are a recipe staple, and tuna is a ready-to-eat protein source we can’t do without. If you’re concerned about contaminants, look for cans labelled BPA-free.

Healthy Grocery List Tip 3: Read the nutritional info

We know, you have a busy life, but take the time to read over nutritional panels and ingredient lists before tossing products into your cart. Many people think they absorb the info on the panels, but they only scan and miss the servings per container and/or serving size. That low fat claim across the front could equal twice as much sodium or sugar you planned on having for the day.

Healthy Grocery List Tip 4: Shop after you eat

Have you ever stopped at the store on your way home from work before dinner and come home with twice as much as you planned? Never go shopping when you are hungry. When you are hungry, you get cravings and if you go shopping when you get cravings, you will end up buying a lot more food, especially unhealthy junk food. When you are at your hungriest, everything is much more appetizing than normal. This will kill both your diet and budget.

Healthy Grocery List Tip 5: Stay focused!

Like the grocery shopping no-no above, you’re more likely to make spontaneous bad-for-you purchases than you would if you are distracted. Talking on the phone? Chances are, you’ll neglect reading those labels. Crunched for time, and focused on getting out fast? You’re likely to forget the staples you really need. Avoid multi-tasking on your mind so you can stick to your plan.

Healthy Grocery List Tip 6: Shop with a list

Preparation is everything. One of the best ways to figure out what you need to buy at the store is to plan out what you’re going to eat for the upcoming week. Who are you cooking for? What recipes are you going to make? How many healthy snacks do you need? Sit down, figure out what the coming days hold for you, and make a healthy grocery list.

Check out my quick swaps below to stock-up the next time you shop!

• Instead of regular dairy milk, use unsweetened almond milk.
• Instead of whole eggs, use real egg whites or egg substitutes.
• Instead of mayo or sour cream, use fat-free Greek yogurt.
• Instead of oil or artificial sprays, use natural non-stick cooking spray.
• Instead of rice, make cauliflower rice.
• Instead of cornstarch, use arrowroot powder.
• Instead of standard sugar or artificial sweetener, use natural no-calorie sweetener like stevia.
• Instead of pasta, use spaghetti squash and zucchini noodles.
• Instead of peanut butter, use powdered peanut butter or natural, no additive almond/nut butter.
• Instead of ketchup, try pasta sauce or tomato paste mixed with a bit of apple cider vinegar.

by: Alysha Coughler, Body Beautiful Coach and Registered Dietitian (RD, MHSc)


About the Author: Ana Plenter

Ana Plenter is a an Award Winning Personal Trainer, Fitness Competitor & Competition Coach and the Founder of Build My Body Beautiful & Body Beautiful Fitness

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