How a Personal Can Help You Take Your Fitness TO The Next Level


How a Personal Can Help You Take Your Fitness TO The Next Level

How a Personal Can Help You Take Your Fitness TO The Next Level

So you’ve been going to the gym for a while now and see very little change? You’ve mastered the art of tuning out so you can spend those dreadful 45 to 60 minutes on the elliptical, treadmill, or my favorite – the stair master just to drop a couple of pounds. You might have even gotten a bit lighter, but your body is definitely not bikini ready. You still dread wearing sleeveless tops and would not be caught dead in white pants… When talking about personal training Toronto has a lot to offer.

Maybe I’ve got it all wrong. You are slim, and you play around with weights and spend endless hours at the gym. You read all the magazines for the latest and greatest on diets, supplements and “30-days to a new you” programs. The motivation is there, you keep at it day to day – but lately see little change. You want to reach that next level – but… you are stuck.

I know your story, because I’ve been there. I trained for years before I saw any progress. I had the motivation, but the truth is I did not know what I was doing.  My life changed, when I met my very first personal trainer, Patricia. My body changed in 3 months more than it had in 4 years that I was training (or as I like to think of it now “playing”) at the gym on my own. Not only did she help me reach a level of fitness I never thought my body was capable of reaching, she played a huge role in inspiring me to do the same for other women.

You can continue to waste your time at the gym like I did, or you can optimize your diet and workouts and take it to a new level and hire a personal trainer.

This enormous city has been a battlefield amongst fitness pros. Doing personal training Toronto is a cut-throat business, you are always faced by your competition and you must work very hard to stay on top of it. Trainers here are knowledgeable and have a lot to offer, but at Body Beautiful, I have developed and perfected my approach since 2010. It does not matter what level of fitness you are, I think everyone that spends time at the gym, should have a personal trainer at some point. If you think about it this way, you are investing in a gym, your time, your money, your energy, yet you are not getting what you came for. Get the most from your investment and get a personalized fitness program and a nutrition plan, optimize the facility you train in, otherwise you are wasting your time if you are not seeing results.

personal training toronto

Ana Plenter – Founder of Body Beautiful Personal Training Toronto

So what exactly can personal training Toronto way do for you?

Weight training
First thing I learned was that cardio will never give me the tight body that I want – my first trainer taught me to pick up weights. This is where most women make a mistake. They are stuck on cardio machines, or simply using weights incorrectly.

Form makes all the difference in developing and reshaping your body. Not only will having great form help keep you from injuring yourself, it will help you reach your results much faster. (and don’t kid yourself you can’t learn this in a copy of Oxygen)

Timing is everything. A good trainer will teach you the right tempo during your lifting and the correct rest period, the time of day you should train and the frequency of your exercise. Depending on your goal this will vary.

Combination and pairing of different exercise and schedule
Rather than just going at it, it is important to understand how combining different body parts and various exercises is a big part of making progress. YOU MUST HAVE A WORKOUT PROGRAM.  While working the full body may have worked as a beginner, as you advance you must increase your training volume and concentrate on more on specific body parts, changing order, resting periods, and combination of certain exercises. Your trainer will have the right mix for you.  At Build My Body Beautiful we use our custom Body Beautiful app and fitness portal to record and program all client workouts.  So even if you have to do a workout on your own, you can easily access your program on the go, with our full video library of exercises.

I often tell my clients, you can train until you are blue in the face, if you are not fuelling your body correctly, again you are wasting your time. You trainer should have a custom nutrition program for you that factors in your body, goals and your training program. All Body Beautiful personal training clients get a custom diet to follow.

Breathing and Stretching
Your trainer can teach you about proper breathing and the type of stretching you should do before and after exercise since this can really impact your strength and recovery time, these important elements of training should not be ignored!

Goal Setting , Accountability and Support
Finally, you are much more likely to reach your goals if you have continued guidance and support. Your trainer helps you can help get you in a habit of training by making you accountable and giving you a reason to show up to the gym. Your trainer should also have tools or ways to track your progress so that you can see that you are getting results, or make adjustments if needed. We track out clients progress biweekly by taking photos, weight, body fat and measuring inches.

It is most important to select a great trainer. Each individual is built differently, and has different goals. A good trainer will pay attention to what their client needs.

When we work with our personal training clients, we get quite close and personal. After all, who else do you get to spend a few hours a week with their 100% undivided attention? We get to know our clients to the core – what drives them, motivates them and how to trigger the spark to make the change they are looking for.

This is actually one of the main reasons our clients see amazing results. This is why personal training Toronto style will help you too.

Start your fitness journey now and book a free consultation with us!


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